Saturday, November 13, 2010

I heart Google

Since I'm bored and feeling sorry for myself I decided to meander around the Internet, which I rarely do.

I am considering using pictures more in my blog.  So I Googled "old pictures"

Here's what I got:

Well, I did it again.

I forgot I have a blog.

So there is this totally awesome girl called Ali (Allie?)  (Alley??)  (Aleigh???)  I'm pretty sure it's Allie.  She lives on the other side of the country and she is much more awesomer than me.  She has a blog called Hyperbole and a Half and if you don't follow it, you're kinda lame.  Anyway, she recently posted THIS which is pretty much exactly the reason why I don't write more.  Sometimes I get it into my head, "HEY!"  "I should totally write a book."  "Then I could sit around all day and write and be awesome." 

But then I think, who the hell wants to read what I write??  No one.  That's who.  I struggle to find relevance, content, structure, basically all the things you would need to write a book. 

So that's probably why I forget I have a blog.  Because I force it out of my head.  To protect myself from all the people who don't care that I'm writing something.  So there.