Saturday, November 13, 2010

I heart Google

Since I'm bored and feeling sorry for myself I decided to meander around the Internet, which I rarely do.

I am considering using pictures more in my blog.  So I Googled "old pictures"

Here's what I got:

Well, I did it again.

I forgot I have a blog.

So there is this totally awesome girl called Ali (Allie?)  (Alley??)  (Aleigh???)  I'm pretty sure it's Allie.  She lives on the other side of the country and she is much more awesomer than me.  She has a blog called Hyperbole and a Half and if you don't follow it, you're kinda lame.  Anyway, she recently posted THIS which is pretty much exactly the reason why I don't write more.  Sometimes I get it into my head, "HEY!"  "I should totally write a book."  "Then I could sit around all day and write and be awesome." 

But then I think, who the hell wants to read what I write??  No one.  That's who.  I struggle to find relevance, content, structure, basically all the things you would need to write a book. 

So that's probably why I forget I have a blog.  Because I force it out of my head.  To protect myself from all the people who don't care that I'm writing something.  So there.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Alligator Dog

You may be familiar with AD from my previous posts.

He goes by many names; mainly Mr. Goosey Pants, Mr. Pants, DD, and on occasion, Riggatoni when he's really in trouble. Even though he regularly drives us all absolutely insane, we are in the middle of a scary situation and can't imagine him not coming home to continue to annoy us anymore.

Yesterday morning AD ate approximately 50 Advil tablets. That amounts to 10,000 milligrams of Ibuprofen pumping through his little doggie veins. When I found him he was still happily snarfing down the pills and within an hour he was unable to stand. Luckily I found him and brought him into the vet immediately who acted quickly and communicated the seriousness of the situation. They got him to throw up twice, but unfortunately the pills had already dissolved. They gave him several doses of charcoal to stop the absorption into his body and placed him on stomach protectants to try and prevent ulcers. The doctors are telling me the threat of kidney and liver failure are still very real, but I'm hoping that is just careful doctor talk. I am calling momentarily to get the results of his latest blood test so we will have a better idea of where we stand.

I wanted to send out a quick post and tell everyone to NEVER leave medication out, even though AD is generally an asshole I would have never expected him to grab a bottle of pills off the counter and decide it was a nice snack. I don't wish this on anyone, and if I can help prevent another beast from having to go through this I would be happy!

I'll post updates later, we are going to visit him tonight, but here is him in the car yesterday while we were moving him to the 24 hour vet....


Monday, September 6, 2010

I know your secret

Don't worry, I won't tell...

Thursday, September 2, 2010


When already struggling for blog material, don't start by reading other, more awesome blogs than your own.

A dear friend of mine informed me that my writing is very dark. This is the same friend who fills me with inspirational messages each time we talk, such as,

"Downstream thoughts!"
"You are full of dignity and grace!"
"You are in charge of your own happiness!!"

I chuckled at the last one after thinking about her most recent discovery, The Rabbit. It's the battery operated kind, not the cute fluffy kind...


I reviewed my blog before she made the comment to me and I came to the exact same conclusion. It was a bit startling actually, but I didn't know what to do with that.


Instead of addressing the obvious I have decided to set a lofty goal for myself.

By chance, I have had a total of five blog posts in each of the past two years. I would like to blow that number out of the water and shoot for ten this year!

I know it's not really anything. But maybe it's something...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In my other life I'm a ballerina

When I'm stressed or bored and usually when listening to music I often drift off to my happy place. When I arrive I find myself fabulously rich and full of grace and coordination.

I've been spending so much time there lately I find I am frighteningly detached from my real life. Where I am not so rich, can't seem to hold in my burps and knock off half of my toenail tripping on the driveway.

This has left me wondering, what should I do to remedy the situation? Do I say goodbye to my happy place? Do I try to make it resemble more of my everyday life? The thought leaves my mind blank.

Until then, I shall practice my Swan Lake.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Vodka fueled emotion


They change everything
Make you lose your perspective
Make everything ok
Make you think you’re crazy for the way you are
Make you feel like maybe you’re just the way you’re supposed to be.

Moments ago

Remember when
Things were so easy
I had a vision
A road

It’s not that it was that great. It was just Something. And maybe now I’m where I’m supposed to be. But I just don’t understand. Regretful? I don’t think so. Depressed? Probably. Hopeful? Always.