Thursday, September 2, 2010


When already struggling for blog material, don't start by reading other, more awesome blogs than your own.

A dear friend of mine informed me that my writing is very dark. This is the same friend who fills me with inspirational messages each time we talk, such as,

"Downstream thoughts!"
"You are full of dignity and grace!"
"You are in charge of your own happiness!!"

I chuckled at the last one after thinking about her most recent discovery, The Rabbit. It's the battery operated kind, not the cute fluffy kind...


I reviewed my blog before she made the comment to me and I came to the exact same conclusion. It was a bit startling actually, but I didn't know what to do with that.


Instead of addressing the obvious I have decided to set a lofty goal for myself.

By chance, I have had a total of five blog posts in each of the past two years. I would like to blow that number out of the water and shoot for ten this year!

I know it's not really anything. But maybe it's something...


  1. I just read your whole blog and I sort of like the darkness. It makes me feel normal. Does that make sense?

    It's not like wrist-slitting dark. It's like "sometimes things suck but I'm still okay" dark.
