Thursday, December 25, 2008

Straight from the head

So, I just had a string of random thoughts. I know I already posted for today, but I left some of my loyal readers without any juicy soap stories the past couple days. SO here you go:

I'm here in my kitchen with Alligator Dog. And he is being so cute and behaving so well. I know many of my reader friends are concerned about AD being in my house and how I'm doing with him. I thought, "No one knows what it's like when it's just us!"

Then that made me think of Beautiful Girls -
"No one knows what it's like when it's just the two of us, you know?
"Well that's fair, so tell us, how is it?"
"Lately, it's not so good."

Then I'm paroosing around facebook and see that Jillian has already posted pictures of our Christmas Day activities. As I'm staring at the pictures, thinking about my day, I realize...I can't imagine my life without these people anymore. Wow. That's quite a revelation.

Then AD returns to his beastly ways and I have to pay attention to him again.

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